Support your club
Wir laden dich herzlich zu einem aussergewöhnlichen Event ein, bei dem Wissenschaft und Genuss perfekt harmonieren.
Was dich erwartet:
✨ Ein unterhaltsamer Abend voller überraschender Experimente.
🍷 Wissenschaft bei einem Glas Wein in festlichem Ambiente.
🍴 Ein köstliches 3-Gänge-Menü, begleitet von verblüffenden Naturphänomenen.
📍 Datum: 10. April 2025
📍 Ort: Casinotheater Winterthur
📍 Beginn Apéro: 17:30 Uhr
📍 Beginn Show: 19:00 Uhr
Hier geht's zu den Eventdetails: In Vino Scientia | Casinotheater Winterthur
Die Plätze sind begrenzt!
Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 60 Personen limitiert. Melde dich und eine Begleitperson bis spätestens am 28.02.2025 an, um Teil dieses einmaligen Erlebnisses zu sein.
Registration for the poker tournament
Conditions of participation
A club must have at least ten members, an address in the canton of St. Gallen, Thurgau, Appenzell Ausserrhoden or Appenzell Innerrhoden, and have been founded before 2022. Only one entry is allowed per club. The winnings must be paid into the club’s coffers. The participants must be at least 18 years old. The participants must not be subject to a gambling suspension. The named player must be a member of the club. By registering for the poker tournament, the participants accept these conditions of participation. The deadline for registration will be announced in the autumn. The participants will be informed of the next steps via email. 200 chips will be added to the start stack per supporter, up to a maximum of 2,000 chips. A supporter is any additional club member who accompanies the player to the tournament. Participants consent to videos and photos being taken for coverage on the website and social media during the tournament. If there are more than 100 registrations, participation will be decided by a draw. The individual clubs will be allocated their game days by a draw. If the conditions of participation are not complied with, there is no entitlement to a payout. The judges’ decision is final. The Grand Casino St. Gallen, headquartered in St. Gallen, is the sole organizer and contact partner for this tournament.
The swisscasinos.ch Privacy Statement forms an integral part of these conditions of participation.